
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feeling great!

So today I decided to skip the working out at home.  I hit the gym! (house was a total wreck from Halloween yesterday and I so didn't want to clean before I worked out). I am very happy with today's workout!  I feel AWESOME!! 767 calories burnt baby! Woohoo! It was the best I've done so far almost did 4.5 miles.

I did learn that dancing on the elliptical isn't a good idea. I almost fell off of it again.  One day I will... Going to have to get my dance on elsewhere lol!

So had my shake for breakfast and I'm eating an egg sandwich for lunch.  Mmmm.

Trying to blog from the app on my phone so this will be short because I'm still figuring it out lol.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just say NO

Well, one day I will get this workout/lose weight thing under control.

I have been working out at least 3 days a week (usually 4), so there is a start. I started going to the gym because I quit working out at home because my husband was home during my work out times. He's not here right now, so I think I will do the at home workouts until he comes back. It's very easy to workout when I take my youngest to school. I drop her off and then go to the gym (well, home today). I tell you what though, it's SO much different doing Turbo Jam than it is doing the elliptical. My muscles hurt a bit right now, and I only did 30 minutes! No, I didn't burn as many calories as the elliptical, but I sure did use more muscles!!

Another reason why I am only getting in 3 this week is because my grandmother is very ill and in critical condition, Monday night and Tuesday there was a possibility that I was going to go home to be with her. She is making progress and getting better, still in critical condition but I'm taking it one day at a time and deciding by the information that I get.

So...back to "getting healthy"...I am doing "ok" at the working out (I could workout more, which I will!)...the eating on the other hand. OMG. Sucking majorly at that one! It's HALLOWEEN time...and guess what is out there. CANDY!!! So, I've been pigging out on caramels and tootsie rolls :( I'm going to do my best to not eat too much...and really do my best to not eat the kids candy! Oye!

So...My tip for the day....Think about what you eat (I really need to do we can do it together!). If you are going to feel guilty after eating something, and you know this before you shove it in your mouth...PUT IT DOWN!! This is my goal for the rest of the week....Saying no to the stuff I know I don't need to eat. Which it is fitting because it's "Red Ribbon" week at my kids schools...Just say NO!

:) Happy sweating (whenever you work out). 

OHHHHH!!! Reminds me of a Shakeology recipe!! Going to have to make it tomorrow and post it :) Super yummy for the fall season! :) 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weigh is going DOWN!! Inches too!

Totally forgot to post this yesterday. I weighed in and measured myself :) YEY!! Here are my results after 2 weeks!

            Start     Current
Weight-168         165.6      -2.4lbs
Belly     40"         38 3/4"  -1.25in
Hips      42"         41 3/8"  -.625 in
Waist    34 1/4"   33"        -1.25in

Woohoo!! I am so happy! I'm really happy to see the inches coming off more than just the weight. As long as my belly is getting smaller, I don't care what the scale says. Fat takes up more room than muscle. I could be replacing my fat with muscle and since it takes up less room I get smaller :)

So, today was supposed to be Plyometric Cardio, but for some reason I thought it was Pure Cardio...and I ended up doing Fat Blaster by Chalene Johnson. Oops. I'll do Plyometric Cardio tomorrow. I'm one of those people that get bored doing the same thing over and over. It's not THAT bad, but being the 2nd time I have tried Insanity, I'm kinda tired of it. LOL. I will keep doing it, probably not like the plan says, at least for now. I haven't done the Max ones yet. =/

So my TIP for the day....

Just get up and do it. ANY little bit of cardio that you do will be better than if you sat on your bum all day!

Not sure what to do? Start out easy. Instead of sitting there watching commercials, get up and move. Jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups...anything that will get your body moving is a start. I have also seen workout schedules to TV shows. Wouldn't hurt, plus you get to watch your favorite show!

You don't have to do 1 hour a day either! I do anywhere from 30-40 minutes 4 times (yes FOUR TIMES) a week and have lost 2.4 pounds in 2 weeks! You can do it! 


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flooding...say WHAT?!

So I have been MIA for a little bit. Friday I did my workout....went to take a shower and my ENTIRE kitchen was FLOODED! I about died! Sooo... Maintenance came out and snaked my pipes AGAIN (3rd time). Then the nasty sewer water sat on my floor for 2 (yes TWO) hours before the cleaning company got there. =/ YUCK! 

It flooded down my hallway all the way to my bathroom, bathroom was gross. I tried to save my carpets but it didn't work at all. Only thing that got me was disgusting towels now. I'm going to housing today and talking to them about the damages (my bathroom cabinet is coming apart now), then to the main office to talk about my things that got ruined. 8 towels, a broom, a pair of ACU pants, bathmats...UGH. Not to mention my microwave cabinet has water damage.

Anywhoo....Did my workout today! 515 calories GONE! Also, *insert drum roll* 1.2 pounds down!! Yippie!! 

Even with all the craziness that has happened the past weekend I still lost weight :) So happy. Didn't workout after Friday. Can not wait to measure myself and take pictures. I'm thinking that I'll do pictures once a month, weigh in once a week, and take measurements every 2 weeks (it takes longer for inches to come off sometimes). We will see. I get impatient lol. 

So, my TIP for today....Drink your water! Stop drinking pop (soda...whatever you call it). DON'T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!!! Cut out the pop, and you have another 200(depending on the drink) calories you could use to eat HEALTHY foods! (I'm having problems with my pop. I drink 1 every so often and I'm trying to even cut that out! It's hard to do when people bring you one though, I feel obligated to drink it.)

Happy sweating ;) 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Greek ranch dip (and sore muscles!)

I am so tired! Passed out last night on the couch, hubby woke me up at 9:30!! Working out is kicking my butt!

Today was sorta easy, got it done, burnt 512 calories.

I can not wait to weigh in! Although I'll be upset if I don't see pounds going down, but I should see the inches go down (which reminds me I didn't post them...I'll do it the day I take the measurements again)

So, yesterday I tried something I found on Pinterest (I'm on that site ALL the time). It got me thinking about starting another blog about the things that I've done from there. Not sure.

Anyway, Greek yogurt+Ranch mix= PURE AWESOMENESS!!!
It turns out to be roughly 20 calories per serving! I will let you process that........Yup! Mine was 21 calories for 2 tbsp of dip! Talk about HEALTHY ranch!

Someone else told me it makes a good cheese. I like the strawberry yoplait Greek yogurt. Going to see what else I can do with it :)

Lets I have any tips for today??? Keep pushing! I hurt so bad when I got up (muscles were SO sore) but I pushed through it and don't hurt near as bad. Don't over do it, but don't take the day off unless it's your actual day off. I have 3 more days before my day off! Next week, you won't hurt as bad and will be able to do more! :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sweat is FAT CRYING!

Today, my youngest started preK. I had 3 hours to myself! Perfect time to workout, and you know what else?? I got to take an UNINTERRUPTED SHOWER!!! If you are a mommy you know how that goes.

So, anyway. I took my measurements today....ugh. Those are some numbers I did NOT want to see E.V.E.R. but, if I want to track my progress and see the results, I gotta do it. It took me forever to find the tape measure though. I looked in the drawer about 10 times yesterday, it wasn't in there. Looked 1 time today...found it. Hate that! It should have had a big bright sign that said "I'm right here dummy!" was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. OH-MAH-GERD!! I thought I hurt yesterday after the fit test...I can hardly move! BUT I did burn 515 calories :) WOOT! Ate a good breakfast (2 eggs, 2 sausage links, and a hash brown patty)...getting ready to have my chocolate shake for lunch. Then off to the store to get snacks (healthy ones) because I'm STARVING already. Plus myfitnesspal says I still have 1076 calories to eat (and that already includes lunch and part of dinner...). Still going to keep a deficit just not a huge one. My body needs the food!

It was so much easier when I didn't care what I ate, now that I want to eat healthier it's a bit harder...I will get there though.

Just a little something I thought I'd share...I always push myself and LOVE when I sweat (well not so much AFTER...but during the workout). I feel like it actually means that I'm doing something to get the weight to disappear. With Insanity you sure do sweat! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Round is a "shape" right??

Well ladies and gentlemen....I did the fit test for Insanity today. Holy geeze I feel like I'm DYING and it was only a TEST! I remember feeling like dying doing the actual workouts, but not the fit test. Guess I'm way out of shape.

Here are my "test scores" so far...
Switch Kicks- 82
Power Jacks- 31
Power Knees- 80
Power Jumps- 21
Globe Jumps- 6
Suicide Jumps- 9
Push-up Jacks- 8
Low Plank Oblique- 27
Burnt 332 calories (it doesn't ask what your calorie burn is on the paper, but I use Myfitnesspal (jmmtaylor add me!)  and want to track what I burn and what I eat)

Not too bad (if I do say so myself). Hopefully in 15 days it will all be a little higher, buuuuut we will see.

This is totally me (if I ran...but I'm working my way up to it. (I know I know, you can't do it unless you actually start, but I wanna ease into it) You can't blame me can you?)

I'm pretty sure I don't look "cute" while working out, does anyone?? My though, if you don't look like a hot mess when you are done, you didn't do it right. Why do you want to look good when you get done? I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm sweating my (not so tiny) derriere off.

Well, off to do some shopping, pay day is soon and I am NOT going to go fight the mob of military wives getting groceries. It is pure MADNESS in there. I don't have "crazy psycho that likes to shop in crowded stores" written on my forehead.

Get your sweat on people! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I figured I'd try to give myself some inspiration today. I want to lose weight so bad, but it's some HARD work sometimes. I don't want to get up off the couch....ever. Especially after I worked out the day before and I hurt everywhere (who can blame me? It's also why I have had ALLL these stupid setbacks.).

What does that word mean to you? I had this conversation with my husband the other day about the word responsible. We put my daughter into Brownies and I was going over the Girl Scout Promise and the Law. We had two different ideas, but basically the same. (It was weird).

Anyway, inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something so I want to feel inspired to lose all my extra weight! 

There is one Insanity story that speaks to me (having a husband in the army). I love the program and I'm thinking about doing that again when my daughter starts school. :) If I lost 31 pounds I'd be 12 pounds (TWELVE pounds) from my goal!! Yes please!!

There is another story out there that really inspires me. This man was injured in the Gulf War, gained a lot of weight, and had to walk with canes. By the end, he lost 140 pounds in 10 months. Only one instructor believed in him, all the others pushed him away. It brings tears to my eyes each time I watch it!

So, if they can do it I can do it!! I have to just get in the right mind set....I think once a week I will start posting inspirational/motivational things just to help me (and you if you are still reading this)(I'm sure I will get better at blogging as time goes on, I've been doing it here and there and really don't know what I'm doing).

What's your inspiration? Motivation?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I will do this!!

So, I have 100% been slacking. I have gained all the weight I lost when my husband was deployed...and then some (more than likely). I'm terrified to step on the scale. I don't want to know.

My youngest goes to preK soon and I will be working out in my alone time. Tuesdays to Fridays! I will also be making a healthy breakfast for us (she won't eat at school like my oldest). Then I plan on a shake for lunch. Followed by a healthy dinner. I'm determined to have this work!

I have also made a tip jar. Every time I workout I will place $1 in the jar. Then when I get to my goal weight I will have  money for new clothes. I am also going to print of pictures of styles I like as incentive and place them in the jar too. That way, when I get to my goal I will be able to see what I like and go from there. I WILL DO THIS!

Both kids are going to be in school, hubby will be going to NTC and deploying soon. If I keep it up and do this by the time he comes home I will be at my goal weight!

Planning on weighing in on Mondays (which is one of the days that I won't be working out). Then Tuesday to Friday will workout, possibly working up to Monday-Friday, but with the youngest home it's harder to workout (plus with hubby home in the am, I don't like working out in front of people).

Here is the tip jar:

Wish me luck! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

My birthday is fast approaching!

Yup, that's right. My birthday is 9 days away. I'm very disappointed to say that I am no where near my goal weight. I'm only human though, I'm not perfect. The only thing I can hope to do is learn from my mistake and push on. Hopefully all the illness will be done for a while. Last year it seemed like my kids were sick all the time. We all just got done with strep throat, and now my oldest has the stuffy nose again.

It will be great to see a loss of something by my birthday :) I'd LOVE to have inches lost somewhere (preferably around my belly and waist). I have yet to go buy a scale, or step on the Wii scale. I don't want to rely on the number, but rather how my clothes fit. I have a pair of pants that I'm dying to have them fit perfectly.

Took the weekend off of working out, I was so sore. Today I did Cardio Power & Resistance. Still didn't get through it without taking a lot of breaks...and now I'm tired! But I managed to burn 397 calories :) Only thing I can do is keep doing it and hopefully it will get better.

Going to go drink me a shake for lunch, get a tiny cat nap in, and then clean the house. It really needs it! Might throw in some MW3 too.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today was Cardio Recovery...and let me tell you, there wasn't much recovery at all! My legs are SO sore right now! I can hardly sit down without them shaking. Squats are not my friend today.

Had a yummy breakfast though :) Scrambled eggs with diced onion, green pepper, and tomato. Super good! I take the Jenny Craig idea (I think it was Jenny) and don't "count" my veggies. They tell their clients (so Valerie Burtinelli said in something I read) that the veggies are unlimited...UNLIMITED!!! They also have a soup that you can make that is...UNLIMITED! I wish I had the recipe for it because it sounded super delicious.

I'm doing pretty good with my eating. Not eating too much, and I have to say I'm not starving either. I do know that if I continue to use my Shakeology as my lunch I really need to get healthy snacks for between lunch and dinner. I haven't done terrible, ate some cheese nips yesterday but it was like 300 calories worth of "snack". I need veggies or yogurt or something.

I am looking forward to seeing results this time around. I'm going to make it happen! I didn't mention, but the last time I went to the doctor I had gained 7 pounds :( I also have gained inches around my waist, belly, and hips. IT HAS GOT TO GO!

Seen something interesting the other day.
"It takes 4 weeks for you to notice you body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. DON'T QUIT!"

That is one of the many quotes I have in my fitness journal. Hopefully it helps!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So sore!

Wow! Just did the second day of Insanity and I hurt EVERYWHERE!! It's a good thing I don't have to do much for dinner tonight, I tried to get a pan out for breakfast and it hurt really bad LOL. Managed to burn 427 calories somehow though. I was trying to push through but I just couldn't do it full on. Next week I should be able to do it at 100%!

Enjoying sitting on the couch though...and drinking a Chocolate Banana shake :) Yummo!

Well, I'm off to die a little more!! (litterally...I'm taking a break and playing MW3 online, just got hooked up with my own game account :))

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Starting over...again...for the second time.

Well, I hit a huge road block. I got through a month of Insanity and quit. I also quit drinking my Shakeology every day. I'm getting back on track though. Just did day one of Insanity :) Going to drink a shake for lunch :) I am doing it this time. Everyone has set backs, some are longer than others. The thing is, you have to get yourself out of it and PUSH PLAY! It took me longer to get out of the set back than I intended but I'm here!

I burnt 557 calories in 43 minutes! 12.9 calories a minute! I'm only going to get better too!

Another good thing is that on Valentines day Shakeology is coming out with their new flavor FINALLY! I am so excited to try it! Check it out, they are super yummy shakes, and you can add things to make them even yummier. :)  Down there is the video, I have never added one to my blog before and not sure how to do it the way I wanted it...but this is what the shakes have in them. SO much easier than eating all that in one day if you ask me LOL. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions, also you can check out Insanity HERE, along with all their other wonderful workouts :)