
Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today was Cardio Recovery...and let me tell you, there wasn't much recovery at all! My legs are SO sore right now! I can hardly sit down without them shaking. Squats are not my friend today.

Had a yummy breakfast though :) Scrambled eggs with diced onion, green pepper, and tomato. Super good! I take the Jenny Craig idea (I think it was Jenny) and don't "count" my veggies. They tell their clients (so Valerie Burtinelli said in something I read) that the veggies are unlimited...UNLIMITED!!! They also have a soup that you can make that is...UNLIMITED! I wish I had the recipe for it because it sounded super delicious.

I'm doing pretty good with my eating. Not eating too much, and I have to say I'm not starving either. I do know that if I continue to use my Shakeology as my lunch I really need to get healthy snacks for between lunch and dinner. I haven't done terrible, ate some cheese nips yesterday but it was like 300 calories worth of "snack". I need veggies or yogurt or something.

I am looking forward to seeing results this time around. I'm going to make it happen! I didn't mention, but the last time I went to the doctor I had gained 7 pounds :( I also have gained inches around my waist, belly, and hips. IT HAS GOT TO GO!

Seen something interesting the other day.
"It takes 4 weeks for you to notice you body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. DON'T QUIT!"

That is one of the many quotes I have in my fitness journal. Hopefully it helps!

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