
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Greek ranch dip (and sore muscles!)

I am so tired! Passed out last night on the couch, hubby woke me up at 9:30!! Working out is kicking my butt!

Today was sorta easy, got it done, burnt 512 calories.

I can not wait to weigh in! Although I'll be upset if I don't see pounds going down, but I should see the inches go down (which reminds me I didn't post them...I'll do it the day I take the measurements again)

So, yesterday I tried something I found on Pinterest (I'm on that site ALL the time). It got me thinking about starting another blog about the things that I've done from there. Not sure.

Anyway, Greek yogurt+Ranch mix= PURE AWESOMENESS!!!
It turns out to be roughly 20 calories per serving! I will let you process that........Yup! Mine was 21 calories for 2 tbsp of dip! Talk about HEALTHY ranch!

Someone else told me it makes a good cheese. I like the strawberry yoplait Greek yogurt. Going to see what else I can do with it :)

Lets I have any tips for today??? Keep pushing! I hurt so bad when I got up (muscles were SO sore) but I pushed through it and don't hurt near as bad. Don't over do it, but don't take the day off unless it's your actual day off. I have 3 more days before my day off! Next week, you won't hurt as bad and will be able to do more! :)

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