
Monday, August 13, 2012

Round is a "shape" right??

Well ladies and gentlemen....I did the fit test for Insanity today. Holy geeze I feel like I'm DYING and it was only a TEST! I remember feeling like dying doing the actual workouts, but not the fit test. Guess I'm way out of shape.

Here are my "test scores" so far...
Switch Kicks- 82
Power Jacks- 31
Power Knees- 80
Power Jumps- 21
Globe Jumps- 6
Suicide Jumps- 9
Push-up Jacks- 8
Low Plank Oblique- 27
Burnt 332 calories (it doesn't ask what your calorie burn is on the paper, but I use Myfitnesspal (jmmtaylor add me!)  and want to track what I burn and what I eat)

Not too bad (if I do say so myself). Hopefully in 15 days it will all be a little higher, buuuuut we will see.

This is totally me (if I ran...but I'm working my way up to it. (I know I know, you can't do it unless you actually start, but I wanna ease into it) You can't blame me can you?)

I'm pretty sure I don't look "cute" while working out, does anyone?? My though, if you don't look like a hot mess when you are done, you didn't do it right. Why do you want to look good when you get done? I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm sweating my (not so tiny) derriere off.

Well, off to do some shopping, pay day is soon and I am NOT going to go fight the mob of military wives getting groceries. It is pure MADNESS in there. I don't have "crazy psycho that likes to shop in crowded stores" written on my forehead.

Get your sweat on people! :)

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