
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sweat is FAT CRYING!

Today, my youngest started preK. I had 3 hours to myself! Perfect time to workout, and you know what else?? I got to take an UNINTERRUPTED SHOWER!!! If you are a mommy you know how that goes.

So, anyway. I took my measurements today....ugh. Those are some numbers I did NOT want to see E.V.E.R. but, if I want to track my progress and see the results, I gotta do it. It took me forever to find the tape measure though. I looked in the drawer about 10 times yesterday, it wasn't in there. Looked 1 time today...found it. Hate that! It should have had a big bright sign that said "I'm right here dummy!" was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. OH-MAH-GERD!! I thought I hurt yesterday after the fit test...I can hardly move! BUT I did burn 515 calories :) WOOT! Ate a good breakfast (2 eggs, 2 sausage links, and a hash brown patty)...getting ready to have my chocolate shake for lunch. Then off to the store to get snacks (healthy ones) because I'm STARVING already. Plus myfitnesspal says I still have 1076 calories to eat (and that already includes lunch and part of dinner...). Still going to keep a deficit just not a huge one. My body needs the food!

It was so much easier when I didn't care what I ate, now that I want to eat healthier it's a bit harder...I will get there though.

Just a little something I thought I'd share...I always push myself and LOVE when I sweat (well not so much AFTER...but during the workout). I feel like it actually means that I'm doing something to get the weight to disappear. With Insanity you sure do sweat! 

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