
Friday, September 23, 2011

Fired up!!!

Can I just say....I am SUPER excited to start INSANITY!!

I tried the Fit Test yesterday (when I got the dvd's) and in 30 minutes I burnt 376 calories....OMG! So excited.

I also tried the Shakeology! It was pretty good! Going to try it today with coffee to make a Mocha Shakology :) *Love me some mocha!!*

My goal is to lose 28 more pounds (give or take). I know I can do it...and with Shakeology and Beachbody...I will definitely have a killer beach body! Baby fat BE GONE!! Stomach fat BE GONE!!! I am one size away from being out of double digit pants! SUPER excited about that. It has been FOREVER since I was in single digit! :)

I will get "before" pictures taken soon and get them posted. :)

You have to know what YOU want, and have your goals set. What is it YOU want to achieve? For me, I want better health for my family (I don't want to get the problems that "obese" people get since before losing weight *I* was obese!), I want to be able to do fun things with my kids (run and play and NOT get tired). I want to look good FOR MYSELF!!  If I feel good about myself, I'm a happier person, and will want to do more things with my family. :) Exercise helps me get there.

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