
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Almost a week down!

I have 2 more days of Insanity this week and I will be done with week one! Woohoo! I have my before picture taken, not really loving it, but I can not wait to see what my 60 day picture is going to look like!

Weighed myself the other day, I'm already down 2.2 pounds :) WOOHOOOOO!!!! Thank you Shaun T and Shakeology! I so can not wait to try the new flavor! I've been drinking my shake daily!

My calf muscles hurt so bad right now (for a few days now actually) and my arms have finally started to hurt. I'm going to throw in the stretching DVD from ChaLEAN Extreme today.

So, day 1 of Insanity was the Fit Test. I didn't do so bad on that one. Day 2 KILLED me. I couldn't breathe! Day 3, not so bad I made it through with no problems (well, a few problems, but not as much as day 2). Day 4 was a "recovery" type workout. Had stretching in it, only problems I had was my legs already hurt and we did squats and lunges and he wanted us to HOLD the position forever! I was dying on that one. The rest was ok. Tomorrow, Pure Cardio........not sure what that's about. Going to pop in the DVD and watch it here shortly. Have a feeling I'm gonna die again. LOL. It's all worth it though :) I'm gonna look HAWT!

I'm going to go ahead and share my before photo (hopefully it will push me to do this and I will have great results and in 30 days I can post a better looking me, then in 60 days and even BETTER looking me).

153 pounds
32" waist
40" hips
38" chest
29% body fat

All those stats hav gone up a little since June :( but that is my own fault. I stopped working out because I got busy with my husband getting ready to come home from Afghanistan. I started working out again about a week ago (mainly to get me ready for Insanity). Like I said, I weighed myself the other day and I'm down to 151 (which is what I was when he came home). My goal is 125. Hopefully Insanity will help me get there!

It's going to take a lot of work but I know I can do it! I will "dig deeper" and will push through it all! This is for my health, and my family. I want to be able to play and run with my girls and have more energy to do things with them. They deserve a mom that will play with them and not just sit on the couch.

What are your goals for weight loss? Just losing weight? Or do you want to be in the best shape of your life?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fired up!!!

Can I just say....I am SUPER excited to start INSANITY!!

I tried the Fit Test yesterday (when I got the dvd's) and in 30 minutes I burnt 376 calories....OMG! So excited.

I also tried the Shakeology! It was pretty good! Going to try it today with coffee to make a Mocha Shakology :) *Love me some mocha!!*

My goal is to lose 28 more pounds (give or take). I know I can do it...and with Shakeology and Beachbody...I will definitely have a killer beach body! Baby fat BE GONE!! Stomach fat BE GONE!!! I am one size away from being out of double digit pants! SUPER excited about that. It has been FOREVER since I was in single digit! :)

I will get "before" pictures taken soon and get them posted. :)

You have to know what YOU want, and have your goals set. What is it YOU want to achieve? For me, I want better health for my family (I don't want to get the problems that "obese" people get since before losing weight *I* was obese!), I want to be able to do fun things with my kids (run and play and NOT get tired). I want to look good FOR MYSELF!!  If I feel good about myself, I'm a happier person, and will want to do more things with my family. :) Exercise helps me get there.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 tips to help you lose weight!!

Found an article from USA Today (full article here) that has 25 tips for weight loss.

The top 10 are:

1. Set a realistic weight-loss goal. Most experts recommend aiming for half a pound to 2 pounds a week. *Mine is set to 1.5 pounds a week, you don't want to lose more than 2 pounds a week it's unhealthy. Slow and steady wins the race!

2. Keep track. Dieters who keep track of everything they eat lose twice as much weight as those who don't, research shows.   
* is a great FREE place to track your calories! If you don't want to do it online, get a notebook and write down EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. You can look up the calories later (or keep track as you go) and find out how many calories you ate during the day. 

3. Motivate yourself. Get a pair of jeans or pants that are too tight and hang them in the kitchen instead of the closet to keep yourself inspired. *Make a picture collage, use "smaller" sizes, use anything you can to keep yourself motivated. Have an old picture you hate? Why not put it up so you see it to push yourself to workout.

4. Get help from family and friends. Dieters who have support from a partner at home lose more weight than those who don't, studies show. *They are there to keep you accountable and motivated too. If you can't find someone to do it with you, again, has TONS of support! You can also look for a group on facebook!

5. Move it to lose it. Research shows that people who do physical activities such as walking or biking for two to four hours a week during weight-loss efforts lose an extra 3 to 5 pounds over a year. *Any little bit helps! If you are just starting out, go easy. Take a 15 minute walk. Before you know it that 15 minutes will turn into 30, 30 to 35...Make the effort and you will succeed! 

6. Pay attention to portions. A 3-ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards; 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine, a standard postage stamp; a cup of cold cereal, berries or popcorn, a baseball; 4-inch pancake or waffle, the diameter of a CD. *Buy a cheap set of measuring cups, it will help you a lot when it comes to portion sizes. That way you don't have to guess if there is 1/4 cup of rice on your plate, you will KNOW. After a while you will be able to tell while dishing it to your plate. The biggest way to get too many calories is the wrong portion sizes. 

7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of the foods that sabotage your weight loss. *Out of sight out of mind. If you don't have it in your house you won't want to grab it to eat it! 

8. Create "a dinner deck." This would include 10 favorite quick and healthful dinners written on index cards. Each card should list the ingredients for the recipe on one side and directions for making it on the other. *It's always fun to try new things! There are many FREE recipes online. 

9. Avoid hunger. Eat regular meals and snacks. Make sure you have some protein foods such as yogurt, tuna, beans or chicken for most meals. Some research suggests that protein helps you feel full longer. *Eat 5-6 small meals (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack) and also pick a time (7:30pm is my time) to cut off food. Close the kitchen but leave the water open. It will help you to be hungry in the morning if you are having problems eating breakfast. 2 hours before bed is a good time to close the kitchen.

10. Keep produce on hand. Place a bowl of vegetables such as broccoli, snap peas, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. You can eat them as a snack or when preparing meals to take the edge off your hunger.  *Keep it right out front where you can see it. If you put it in the crisper, when you open the door you won't see the healthy foods and will be more likely to go for something less healthy. 

The article has a LOT of good tips! Please go check it out here. Pick a few of the tips to start with, then every week add a few more and before you know it you will be eating healthy and losing weight! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Loving these sites! Check them out!!

These are a few sites that I use. I figured I would share them with you all!

Myfitnesspal-free calorie tracker! Lets you track the calories you eat and burn. Also, sets up a weight loss "program" for you to follow telling you how many calories you need to eat to lose a certain amount of weight per week.

Shakeology- The healthiest meal you will eat all day!! Helps you lose weight, feel energized, lower cholesterol, also improves digestion and regularity. (This is what I am excited to get on Thursday!!)

BeachBody- Awesome workouts to chose from! Amazing support!! (If you order through me, I will be your coach for FREE! I will help you with anything you need)

Hungry Girl-Recipes for great alternatives for foods you love! Instead of a slice of cake that is 440 calories try their recipe and only eat 221 calories!

Of course, there are a lot of support pages on face book! I am a member of a few pages geared towards military wives. If you can't find a page, why not start one? I bet there are others just like you trying to get fit and healthy!

Start out small. Don't rush into working out and eating healthy. Baby steps and you will get there. If you find that eating healthy all the time is too overwhelming, then shoot for one meal/snack that's healthy. After that's a normal thing then add another healthy meal. Eventually you will eat healthy without even thinking about it. Do not deny your body foods, that is a sure way to get off track and binge on the junk! If you drink pop/soda then start cutting it out, drink less and less of the bad and replace it with water. You won't suffer from "withdraw" and will be replacing it with what your body needs. (I have been free of Mt.Dew working on my 2nd day now!!)

First 2 weeks.

So, last week was a good week for me. I worked out 4 days (which for me is good since I haven't worked out at all since the end of June). Did my TurboJam (which is a great workout!), also replaced my heart rate monitor! I was very happy about that. I have missed my old friend since I lost it in FEBRUARY!!! After I lost that was when my weight loss stopped going down as fast.

If you don't have one I highly suggest looking into it! I always use the ones that have the chest strap. It counts the calories that you burn during exercise. For 30 minutes of my Fat Blaster workout from TurboJam I burnt 279 calories! I have the sportline duo (same one that I had before that I lost). You can change the batteries yourself and don't have to send it off and pay an arm and a leg to have someone else do it. I have a Polar HRM but it's going to cost $54 plus shipping both ways to replace both batteries. For that price I just got a new one.

So, this week I am concentrating on eating better (or just eating at least 3 meals). I'm going to get my Shakeology on Thursday! I'm so excited to try it out! I will definitely let you know how that goes!

Healthy and new me....HERE I COME!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Starting out...again.

So, I'm on the road again on my weight loss journey. This time, as a Beachbody coach! I am super excited for this, and really hope it works.

I will be doing the Shakeology along with the Insanity! ( and

While my husband was deployed last year I lost 19 pounds. Went from a size 14 to a size 10! Hopefully with Insanity and Shakeology I can get to my goal weigh! 

What is it that motivates you to get into shape and lose weight?