
Monday, February 6, 2012

My birthday is fast approaching!

Yup, that's right. My birthday is 9 days away. I'm very disappointed to say that I am no where near my goal weight. I'm only human though, I'm not perfect. The only thing I can hope to do is learn from my mistake and push on. Hopefully all the illness will be done for a while. Last year it seemed like my kids were sick all the time. We all just got done with strep throat, and now my oldest has the stuffy nose again.

It will be great to see a loss of something by my birthday :) I'd LOVE to have inches lost somewhere (preferably around my belly and waist). I have yet to go buy a scale, or step on the Wii scale. I don't want to rely on the number, but rather how my clothes fit. I have a pair of pants that I'm dying to have them fit perfectly.

Took the weekend off of working out, I was so sore. Today I did Cardio Power & Resistance. Still didn't get through it without taking a lot of breaks...and now I'm tired! But I managed to burn 397 calories :) Only thing I can do is keep doing it and hopefully it will get better.

Going to go drink me a shake for lunch, get a tiny cat nap in, and then clean the house. It really needs it! Might throw in some MW3 too.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today was Cardio Recovery...and let me tell you, there wasn't much recovery at all! My legs are SO sore right now! I can hardly sit down without them shaking. Squats are not my friend today.

Had a yummy breakfast though :) Scrambled eggs with diced onion, green pepper, and tomato. Super good! I take the Jenny Craig idea (I think it was Jenny) and don't "count" my veggies. They tell their clients (so Valerie Burtinelli said in something I read) that the veggies are unlimited...UNLIMITED!!! They also have a soup that you can make that is...UNLIMITED! I wish I had the recipe for it because it sounded super delicious.

I'm doing pretty good with my eating. Not eating too much, and I have to say I'm not starving either. I do know that if I continue to use my Shakeology as my lunch I really need to get healthy snacks for between lunch and dinner. I haven't done terrible, ate some cheese nips yesterday but it was like 300 calories worth of "snack". I need veggies or yogurt or something.

I am looking forward to seeing results this time around. I'm going to make it happen! I didn't mention, but the last time I went to the doctor I had gained 7 pounds :( I also have gained inches around my waist, belly, and hips. IT HAS GOT TO GO!

Seen something interesting the other day.
"It takes 4 weeks for you to notice you body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. DON'T QUIT!"

That is one of the many quotes I have in my fitness journal. Hopefully it helps!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So sore!

Wow! Just did the second day of Insanity and I hurt EVERYWHERE!! It's a good thing I don't have to do much for dinner tonight, I tried to get a pan out for breakfast and it hurt really bad LOL. Managed to burn 427 calories somehow though. I was trying to push through but I just couldn't do it full on. Next week I should be able to do it at 100%!

Enjoying sitting on the couch though...and drinking a Chocolate Banana shake :) Yummo!

Well, I'm off to die a little more!! (litterally...I'm taking a break and playing MW3 online, just got hooked up with my own game account :))