
Thursday, February 20, 2014


Confianza's proprietary blend of herbs includes many ingredients called adaptogens. Adaptogens are natural substances that work through the adrenal glands to produce adjustments in the body that help combat stress and increase your resistance to it. These ingredients in Confianza can help restore balance within your body, allowing you to better cope with the stresses in your life.
  • Anti-stress formula
  • Made with natural adaptogenic herbs
  • Improves mental focus & concentration
  • Helps the body cope with physical stress
  • Provides energy and reduces fatigue
  • Helps restore body balance

Visit HERE for more information and to order your Confianza!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Need energy?

Not eating all of the fruits and veggies that you should? Feeling sluggish and off balance? Want more energy to get through your day? Help detoxify, alkalize and energize your body with every glass of Greens, now with an even better pH-balancing blend that includes an acidity-fighting combination of magnesium and potassium for even more alkalizing properties.  New added probiotic support helps you better maintain that healthy balance by keeping your digestive system regular and toxins flowing out.

With 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables and a blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods, Greens provides naturally occurring, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes to give your already well-balanced diet a nutritional boost.  
It’s maximum support for your best health, all in a tangy orange flavor.

  • Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body
  • Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend
  • Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health
  • 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods
  • 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop
  • Free radical-fighting antioxidants
  • Tangy orange flavor

Oh me oh my it has been a long time since I've posted anything! Life has gotten busy busy busy!

Started doing Girl Scouts with my daughter, being troop leader is busy work! Whew, cookie season is in full swing!

What else is new? I became an ItWorks Distributor!! I'm super excited about it! The products are amazing! I was a Loyal Customer long before I decided to sell, and wish I would have started this business back then! Simply amazing!

LOOK AT THAT!!!!!!!! One full treatment of the wraps! I don't know why I didn't do another treatment! So looking forward to getting my wraps in and starting again! Beach season is right around the corner!

I'm also getting their hair, skin, and nail supplement. Results for that in just 10 days...amazing!
Just TWO WEEKS taking the hair, skin, nails.....TWO WEEKS!!!  I can't get my hair to grow and this will help! YEY!

I will be posting information about the many ItWorks products! They really do work!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feeling great!

So today I decided to skip the working out at home.  I hit the gym! (house was a total wreck from Halloween yesterday and I so didn't want to clean before I worked out). I am very happy with today's workout!  I feel AWESOME!! 767 calories burnt baby! Woohoo! It was the best I've done so far almost did 4.5 miles.

I did learn that dancing on the elliptical isn't a good idea. I almost fell off of it again.  One day I will... Going to have to get my dance on elsewhere lol!

So had my shake for breakfast and I'm eating an egg sandwich for lunch.  Mmmm.

Trying to blog from the app on my phone so this will be short because I'm still figuring it out lol.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just say NO

Well, one day I will get this workout/lose weight thing under control.

I have been working out at least 3 days a week (usually 4), so there is a start. I started going to the gym because I quit working out at home because my husband was home during my work out times. He's not here right now, so I think I will do the at home workouts until he comes back. It's very easy to workout when I take my youngest to school. I drop her off and then go to the gym (well, home today). I tell you what though, it's SO much different doing Turbo Jam than it is doing the elliptical. My muscles hurt a bit right now, and I only did 30 minutes! No, I didn't burn as many calories as the elliptical, but I sure did use more muscles!!

Another reason why I am only getting in 3 this week is because my grandmother is very ill and in critical condition, Monday night and Tuesday there was a possibility that I was going to go home to be with her. She is making progress and getting better, still in critical condition but I'm taking it one day at a time and deciding by the information that I get.

So...back to "getting healthy"...I am doing "ok" at the working out (I could workout more, which I will!)...the eating on the other hand. OMG. Sucking majorly at that one! It's HALLOWEEN time...and guess what is out there. CANDY!!! So, I've been pigging out on caramels and tootsie rolls :( I'm going to do my best to not eat too much...and really do my best to not eat the kids candy! Oye!

So...My tip for the day....Think about what you eat (I really need to do we can do it together!). If you are going to feel guilty after eating something, and you know this before you shove it in your mouth...PUT IT DOWN!! This is my goal for the rest of the week....Saying no to the stuff I know I don't need to eat. Which it is fitting because it's "Red Ribbon" week at my kids schools...Just say NO!

:) Happy sweating (whenever you work out). 

OHHHHH!!! Reminds me of a Shakeology recipe!! Going to have to make it tomorrow and post it :) Super yummy for the fall season! :) 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weigh is going DOWN!! Inches too!

Totally forgot to post this yesterday. I weighed in and measured myself :) YEY!! Here are my results after 2 weeks!

            Start     Current
Weight-168         165.6      -2.4lbs
Belly     40"         38 3/4"  -1.25in
Hips      42"         41 3/8"  -.625 in
Waist    34 1/4"   33"        -1.25in

Woohoo!! I am so happy! I'm really happy to see the inches coming off more than just the weight. As long as my belly is getting smaller, I don't care what the scale says. Fat takes up more room than muscle. I could be replacing my fat with muscle and since it takes up less room I get smaller :)

So, today was supposed to be Plyometric Cardio, but for some reason I thought it was Pure Cardio...and I ended up doing Fat Blaster by Chalene Johnson. Oops. I'll do Plyometric Cardio tomorrow. I'm one of those people that get bored doing the same thing over and over. It's not THAT bad, but being the 2nd time I have tried Insanity, I'm kinda tired of it. LOL. I will keep doing it, probably not like the plan says, at least for now. I haven't done the Max ones yet. =/

So my TIP for the day....

Just get up and do it. ANY little bit of cardio that you do will be better than if you sat on your bum all day!

Not sure what to do? Start out easy. Instead of sitting there watching commercials, get up and move. Jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups...anything that will get your body moving is a start. I have also seen workout schedules to TV shows. Wouldn't hurt, plus you get to watch your favorite show!

You don't have to do 1 hour a day either! I do anywhere from 30-40 minutes 4 times (yes FOUR TIMES) a week and have lost 2.4 pounds in 2 weeks! You can do it! 


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flooding...say WHAT?!

So I have been MIA for a little bit. Friday I did my workout....went to take a shower and my ENTIRE kitchen was FLOODED! I about died! Sooo... Maintenance came out and snaked my pipes AGAIN (3rd time). Then the nasty sewer water sat on my floor for 2 (yes TWO) hours before the cleaning company got there. =/ YUCK! 

It flooded down my hallway all the way to my bathroom, bathroom was gross. I tried to save my carpets but it didn't work at all. Only thing that got me was disgusting towels now. I'm going to housing today and talking to them about the damages (my bathroom cabinet is coming apart now), then to the main office to talk about my things that got ruined. 8 towels, a broom, a pair of ACU pants, bathmats...UGH. Not to mention my microwave cabinet has water damage.

Anywhoo....Did my workout today! 515 calories GONE! Also, *insert drum roll* 1.2 pounds down!! Yippie!! 

Even with all the craziness that has happened the past weekend I still lost weight :) So happy. Didn't workout after Friday. Can not wait to measure myself and take pictures. I'm thinking that I'll do pictures once a month, weigh in once a week, and take measurements every 2 weeks (it takes longer for inches to come off sometimes). We will see. I get impatient lol. 

So, my TIP for today....Drink your water! Stop drinking pop (soda...whatever you call it). DON'T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!!! Cut out the pop, and you have another 200(depending on the drink) calories you could use to eat HEALTHY foods! (I'm having problems with my pop. I drink 1 every so often and I'm trying to even cut that out! It's hard to do when people bring you one though, I feel obligated to drink it.)

Happy sweating ;)