
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Been a while.

I haven't written in a while.

Still doing Insanity! Getting better at it, but it is still whooping my butt! Getting a little discouraged though, I had lost an inch off my waist and belly, and today I have gained inches. I'm not even going to weigh myself. I don't want to get even more upset when I do it and it doesn't go down (or worse...go up!). I'm going to keep pushing through though that's for sure! I will not give up!

I am going to sit here and reevaluate my diet...I'm pretty sure that has a LOT to do with the fact that I'm not losing. We will see how it goes though. I am still drinking my Shakeology. I have to say, I do feel like I'm more energized. I get more things done during the day than I use to. My house is generally pretty clean, I don't take naps's nice.

I really need to kick it into gear though. December 1st there is a military ball that the hubby and I are going to go to. I can not wait but I want to look AMAZING for it! SO! No more junk (which I don't eat much junk anyway, just drink stupid Mt.Dew and that will be stopping soon)! More veggies and fruits along with my shakes. Also, I'm thinking about adding in walking on the treadmill 3 times a week. Possibly in the evenings, it's too cold to go outside at night and walk. Not sure if I'd want to do it before or after dinner though. Will have to see how it all works when I start (next week probably).

Wish me luck!

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