
Monday, November 14, 2011

3 day cleanse? Gonna try it!

So there is a 3 day cleanse that you can do to help jump start your weight loss, or get you past the plateau that you are stuck on.

So, I did a month of Insanity and didn't get much results at all. So, going to do a 3 day cleanse and hopefully start with Insanity again and have AMAZING results.

Here is the gist:
3 Shakeology shakes per day
2 cups of green tea per day
1 or 2 pieces of fruit per day (optional)
1 salad for dinner—can include fish or poultry
No dairy or extra sugars (this includes almond and soy milk)!
Drink 2 to 4 liters of water every day
Only use low-fat dressings, and go easy on the salt and/or pepper to taste
2 snacks before/after any of the major meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
Fruit is optional, and it is discouraged (however, some of you will need the calories while others may not)
For maximum results, do NOT use any additives in your food
Dinner salad may include WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN—poultry or fish only
1 cup of green tea
Here is a sample menu:
Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: Add ½ cup of fruit (Only for those who are already fit)
1 piece of fruit
Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
1 cup of green tea
Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)
- Lettuce/veggies
- 4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
- Light Dressing

So, here is how I'm planning on doing it (because I'm not a big fruit person)

Shake for breakfast and some sort of fruit.

Some veggies for a snack

Shake for lunch

More veggies


Salad and chicken/fish for dinner (possibly more veggies)

Also, lots and lots of water. 

We will see how it works. Hopefully it works GREAT. I'm also going to walk on the treadmill for like 20 minutes a day. Not going to do a major workout while not eating much during the day. 

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do you like Pumpkin Pie???

I decided to try the recipe today for the Honey Pumpkin Spice Shakeology. It's not that bad. It has been a while since I've eaten pumpkin pie to begin with, but it tastes pretty close to actual pumpkin pie! Try it and let me know what you think! :)